The Edge

ARPS May to print-8

How many times must we cry?
Cry as the hopes and desires of the future seem
Once more crushed by the weight of the world
As it is

How many times must we scream?
Scream as those waves of anguish seethe
Once more from the eye of the storm of a life so
Desperate to breathe

How many times must we die?
Die those sad little deaths of dulled disappointment
Once more pressed to the end where reason remains,

On a knife edge

While all are turned to the east as dawn breaks for
The one
The other teeters – unseen, unheard,


9 thoughts on “The Edge

  1. Pingback: SHE | he4dgirl

  2. Pingback: Weekly Round Up | Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer

  3. dear Sarah,

    I come here to read, to listen, to be anointed by words which, in of themselves, not knowing you well, are not always able to allow me to offer what little solace or support I wish could comfort you. but I feel drawn to them, to you, and so it makes little difference when I can glean anguish and so many harshly felt unanswerable questions, no matter from where they originate. so I hear, I feel, I listen and I give you my promise to hold you close to my heart, to offer hope, to hold you up into the light of it, and to align with it on your behalf, I hope it is enough…

    much love,



    • Dear Karen. Sometimes the words of a stranger have the power to move us more strongly than any other… And today you are that stranger. Thank you for hearing me, for the beat of your heart and your light. Your words count, and I hold them close…
      With love


      • dear Sarah,

        what miracles can be found in this virtual world! words do count and it doesn’t matter if they are face to face or through the ether. we are strangers no more…keep writing, dear Sarah, and I will be here to listen…With love


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